Saying No is Healthy

 Oh how long it took me to realise this!

I love having 'spare' time, don't you?  It's no secret to my readers that I'm bit of a cleaning freak.  I have a wee timetable I follow and it helps me to - not just keep up with the cleaning - be thorough and feel great when the tasks are complete.  I also cook everything we eat from scratch following our meal plan, and only shop for items we need.

But having time is a really precious commodity.

Things we often say 'No' to:

. Eating out with friends

. Buying new clothing

. Following trends

. Watching TV or films

. Joining in with conventional activities like street parties

. Going to fairs or markets

. Updating hhouseholder personal items when they don't need be updated

We have done all the above before, and being ourselves are more likely to say no to doing them again.

It's gorgeous sitting - watching the sky get dark - with the door open. Listening to birds, seeing bats, feeling the air cool.

Other houses have giant TVs shining out onto their gardens, people eating food from plastic tubs on their laps on sofas in front of the TV. 

How everyone lives is their own decision.  

We live simply.

And saying no to anything not simple is just lovely.



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