A Special Meal

 If I see a recipe I fancy cooking - at some point - I like to clip meals from the newspaper or a magazine. 

From time to time I look back over the folder I keep these in and put some in the recycling bin, or decided to cook them.

As we will be getting new pup soon - and it's a wedding anniversary this month - I decided to cook a special meal for myself and Man Wonderful. 

As I'm also losing weight I wanted to make this a meal I could enjoy, and not worry if I didn't have a large amount.

I'm finding that strong flavours are making it easier to eat smaller amounts.

Today I'm making cheesy/herby dumplings with caramelised* onions, and a chocolate dessert** from the 800 club.

* I can't pronounce this word..

** this is the dessert made from kidney beans: if you haven't tried it, DO, you won't be disappointed!

We eat our main meals at lunchtime - no, we aren't in our 90s or in a care home.

It suits us better to eat at lunchtime - I hate going to bed with a full tummy: and a light supper rather than a heavy meal works well.

These are our meals for the week:


Homemade pizza and salad

Wrap with smoked salmon and scrambled egg


Special meal


Tofu stir-fry

Wrap with sliced quorn and salad


Pasta pesto

Wrap with hummus


Veg chilli

Raw veg and hummus


Moroccan shepherd's pie

Tomatoes and mushrooms on toast


As yesterday for lunch

Tuna and salad wrap

I like to plan our meals in advance using what we have first, then buying anything we need.

It keeps us within our budget and me within my calorie budget.

FM xx


  1. A chocolate dessert made from kidney beans….. that is intriguing!
    I’m wondering what the 800 club is too. Is that 800 calories, like the Fast 800 Diet?

    Debbie in London

    1. The 800 diet is a very low calorie diet where you eat about 800 calories a day or fewer. It is published by Dr Michael Mosley and has super recipes. The cake that is made with Kidney beans is ab-so-lutely fab, and well worth making!

    2. I thought that might be the diet you were referring to. I have a couple of the recipe books that accompany the diet, written by his wife. We had a delicious pesto fish recipe from one last night. I need to lose weight as quickly as possible for an operation - I’ve lost some already on 1400 calories and I’m really interested in this very low calorie approach. I’m also diabetic and would like to try and put that into remission. I’d be really interested to hear more about how you are doing it. Are you finding you lose a lot of weight on this plan? Do you eat breakfast? I would think it might be hard to manage three meals on that calorie budget. Thank you for replying.


  2. I've just been catching up on your previous posts as "new pup arriving" caught my eye! Buster looks absolutely gorgeous. I'm just getting back to some normality as like you, we had a pup, (the love of my life), and he died suddenly and unexpectedly on 11th April at just 14 months old. He was seemingly a fit & healthy labrador, we'd had a perfectly normal day. He was lounging on the carpet when he let out a loud howl/screech, took 3 deep breaths and died - a suspected undiagnosed heart defect/aneurysm/clot I just can't get over it! His half sister is now having pups, but I don't think I can risk having one if there is a possible faulty gene.

    1. Oh Bless you xxx I am so, SO sorry to hear this. Our lad was such a gorgeous dog - my shadow - and I never thought I'd get another dog. He will never be replaced, never. I have a beautiful photo of him in a frame in our lounge. I contacted the lady we got him from, and the new pup is from his sister. I'll be honest, I have been up and down in deciding whether to get another dog. Visiting the pups regularly and also taking a friend who is a vet to check over the pup has helped me. xx


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