How We Live Well Without Spending Money!

 When I read other folks' blogs, I sometimes feel pestery (don't know if that a word) if they repeat themselves a lot. 

I try to avoid repetition as much as I can, but I can't guarantee it today.

Anyway, here are some things we do to live well without spending money.

1. Water.  

We have 8 large jars on the side in our kitchen. When we turn on the tap to run the water hot, we fill the jars with the initial cool then warm water until it is hot.  These jars are used for the kettle, the water filter jug, the dog bowl and for making ice.

2. Food.

I use my garden to grow food. I harvest seeds from the food we have originally, then grow these into plants.  I currently (May) have growing: butternut squash, sweetcorn, broad beans, green beans peppers, chillis and tomatoes.  We are picking and eating green beans daily, and everything else is on their way.  We pick and eat wild garlic, dandelion leaves and blackberries.  We salvage food that is being given away, such as apples.  We don't use apps to collect waste food from shops - we would if we needed to.  We plan our weekly meals based on  what we already have, and only buy what.we.need.

We don't eat out often. We never buy food we don't need.

I make almost everything we eat.

3. Clothes.

We don't buy new clothes except underwear and some shoes. Clothes and some shoes do come cheaply from charity shops or cheap apps online - but only when we need them.

We both have enough clothes and shoes. Shoes and clothing for each season, for rain and hot sun, for freezing cold and summer days.  I do accept free clothes from family if they are being given away, will fit and will be worn.

4. Books.

We are both very keen readers, and love to read books from reviews - however, rather than buying a newish book we write a list of books we'd like to read and use a library app.  

5. Power.

We try very hard not to use Gas or Electric.  In the cold winter the thermostat was set to 14 and additional layers of clothing worked really well to keep us warm.  If the house got colder, the heating was put on in one room.  We shower quickly one after the other.  

6. Entertainment.

We have a small telly, a laptop and two mobile phones; a record player, radio and CD player .. and  a DVD player.  I have a sewing machine and a piano, knitting needles and crochet hooks...and, of course, the INTERNET!!

In 23 years we have never been to the cinema.  We visit the theatre probably about once a year: and watch the local rugby club.

We have two dogs and love walking them.

We play cards and board games with our kids and grandkids.

Please ask me any questions, and I'll do my best to answer you.



  1. As someone who is just getting back into playing a musical instrument after a break of around 35 years (mega-rusty, but I am enjoying myself!) I was wondering if playing the piano is a new hobby or a long-term thing?

  2. Hi Tracy! My first degree is in Music. I play piano, French horn, and sing too. My Masters is in Special Ed., and I spent 25 years as an SEN teacher.

    1. I was very moved reading your reply, as I am the mother of a young adult with severe learning difficulties and autism, who was non-verbal before music therapy unlocked the power of speech. It is a truly wonderful thing and I can never repay the debt we owe to his music therapist and to his wonderful SEN teachers. Take care. X

  3. I'm making a try to use up my craft stash. I've seen too much sold off cheaply in thrift stores in the last few months.

    Clothes? Nothing I really need or want. Wearing a uniform to work makes a huge difference.

    I like bloggers who haven't done a 180 and are now accepting items that they "would use anyways"

    1. I totally agree with you. I'm envious of the work uniform. Xx

  4. Do you have a greenhouse in your garden. Did you miss teaching after your accident? Our nephew, now 26 is SEN and was hard work when he was younger. I know your lovely dog who died young can never be replaced but did you get your puppy as company for your older dog? Happy for you the puppy likes the car, our rescue dog drools and is not totally happy in the car.

    1. Hi Heather, no we don't have a greenhouse or a polytunnel-thingy. I think I'll do a blog post about how we use our wee garden to grow veg - some folk might find that interesting. There was a blogger a few years ago who grew almost everything in her garden in polytunnels and greenhouses. We have a small spot but it is still a little productive, thankfully.
      I missed my career for ages after the accident; and driving! It changed our life completely, but I'm so, so happy in our little life. A hard route, but hey ho: could have been worse!!
      The new dog - as well as the older dog - are my fur babies. I love the company,the tasksthat need doing, the routines and the walks!


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