Right, let's get to grips..

Back when I used to blog as Fostermummy, I could add pics to my post with the touch of a button.
Now I'm blogging using an iPad, I can't seem to get the pics to stay on the screen, or appear after I've 'saved'.

This afternoon I'm going to try again.

So.  If you can tell me if you can 'see' the three images I've added, that will be a start..

Can you see this image?

Can you see this one?

Finally, can you see this one?


  1. Yes, I can see all three. Just found you again.

  2. Yes to all three 😀

  3. Another one who can see all 3. I ♥ number 1 photo, number 2 photo is SO true and I'm just hoping number 3 isn't true:( Hope you are having a wonderful week. Take good care Linda x

  4. I'm dim but the only way I can find your blog is via an email notification

  5. Yes I can see all three and the third one really made me laugh. I'm just over from beetlebird.blogspot.co.uk/ having read a comment you left there.

  6. Yes to all three, the third one , well I am not sure I will be able to sleep tonight

  7. Yes, I can see all three. I found the third really funny - maybe that's why I worry about spiders in the bedroom rather than anywhere else in the house.


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