Contains swear words...

(*this post contains swear words..)
I read the news online everyday.
We usually watch the lunchtime headlines on telly together, but I like the news 'app' because they feature stories I would otherwise miss out on.
Today I read with complete understanding about teenage girls in Leeds whose families do not have enough money to buy them sanitary towels and tampons: and this is happening in every city in the uk.
If it is a choice between money for electricity or food, and you know your family is doing everything they can - then you need paracetamol, pads, and extra knickers...well it's a bloody nightmare, isn't it?
And what about women and girls who have escaped violence, or war, or who are seeking safety and asylum?
With no money.
So no tampons or pads.
There are charities that send these essentials abroad to 
refugee camps, and that is fantastic - but here in the UK our sisters are struggling and are miserable.

The news article linked to this brilliant organisation called Bloody Good Period ( who collect and distribute supplies and toiletries for asylum seekers, refugees, and anyone who can't afford them.

For folk like you and me, who have a couple of quid we can spare to help, with one online click we can go straight to their Amazon store and buy resources.

Or simply pop a pack of value pads in your basket this week and then donate these directly to the foodbank basket beyond the checkout.

If it was me at the receiving end, in that abject desperation, I would thank you from the bottom of my heart.


  1. Foodbanks over here are always on the look out for sanitary and other hygiene products. I even order free samples (no use for the products myself) and pop them into those make up bags you get when you buy makeup. Then drop them into the donation box at the supermarket.

    It's a sad world when there are now petfood banks.

  2. I always put sanitary products in and double when they are on offer at a range of 'flows' . I'll put double in this week bc of this post x

  3. What a very good idea; I always put something into the food bank container each week, and one of the assistants in the supermarket suggested one day that kind soul put some "toiletries" in, so I shall follow your example. Things like shampoo and razor blades for men, as well as sanitary products. I try and not put in the most basic of items, too; it's bad enough that people need food banks let alone be insulted further by having to have basic foods all the time, so every so often I put in something a bit less basic if not exactly luxurious.
    Margaret P

  4. When I've put together parcels for the Christmas Homeless Shelter in town in the past I've always been sure to pop in a few packs of tampons or towels as well - and I try to put in ones I would use myself as well as I know they're good. particularly if they end up with younger girls, I think that's quite relevant. Interestingly though one of the articles on those lasses in Leeds gave the impression that part of the problem was that for whatever reason they were embarrassed to tell their parents that they'd started their periods - rather than the household as a whole couldn't afford it. Equally sad, however.


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