A bit of a stressful day!

GD is our daughter. She is in her twenties, married, and mum to two. She also writes her own blog.
But today she had to have an operation.
Although in the "big scheme of things" it was a relatively minor thing to go through, apart from giving birth this was the first time she had been in hospital for anything, and her first anaesthetic.
I know she's a grown-up, but she is still my baby girl.

We were up at 6 to get to her house and begin looking after the grandchildren so GD and her hubby could go to the hospital.

And we've just heard that all is well - they will soon be on their way home, and what we have all been anxious about for weeks/months is finally resolved.

I'll sleep easier tonight.


  1. Glad to hear things went well and they're on their way home.

  2. Glad to hear that all is well. My DD is 41 and I still worry about her too. Your family sounds lovely and I missed hearing about them when you took a break. Catriona

  3. It doesn't matter how old your children get, you still worry. I am so glad your lovely daughter is ok. xx

  4. Glad she's doing well, I'm 38 and had numerous ops and my mama says it never gets easier. Once a mama always a mama x


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