Oh For Fox Hake!

 I am really not enjoying 2023 so far.

It's like lots of crap things have collected and are plopping into our path, one by one. 

It has been a long time since life has been this shippy.

The latest thing to happen?

I was helping daughter earlier today and dropped my mobile phone out of my pocket, onto her stone path.  

My phone has shattered the screen and the phone is not showing anything other than a bright. flickery stripey pattern.  

I could cope with the inconvenience, except - all my photos and videos of Ronnie, our 10 month old dog who died two weeks ago are on my phone.

I am coping so far to keep it together, in the hope that my son-in-law can rescue my data.

If he can't, I genuinely don't have any words.

I'll keep you posted.



  1. The photos should be stored on tome type of cloud. I use a Motorola and my photos have transferred whenever I've had to replace the phone. It's a google thing


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