I'm Listening

 Have you ever seen an episode of the American comedy Frasier? It's a very witty programme about a psychiatrist.  His catchphrase is 'I'm listening'.

In the real world when folk are having a really tough time, it can be hard to know what to do to help them. 

Having been at the depths of despair twice in my life, I can tell you honestly that having someone who can just listen to you is perfect.

We don't need to do a thing but listen (- although I did give a caveat when in my role as a teacher, or the person needing an ear is vulnerable). 

Just pouring out what is dragging you down, telling your side of things, hearing your voice out loud, knowing you're not struggling alone.

One thing masses of wealth can't buy is the comfort given to you by someone who has time to listen to you. 



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