Food, Glorious Food

Our weekly meal planning continues:  I plan a few days ahead and chat to Man Wonderful about what he'd like to eat.  

I have a continual list of supplies that I adjust as I use things.  This acts as a 'stock check'.  If I need to buy anything, I write a list and usually use click and collect - this costs 50p, and it saves us a LOT more in spends!

Every few weeks we go to the shop ourselves, buy from our list and have a 'mooch'.  Sometimes we buy a takeout coffee from the store and chat as we browse.

This week we are having:

Leftovers from Sunday Roast


Toad in the Hole

Woolton Pie

Potato and Spinach Curry

Veg Roast

I have also started my Christmas food shopping...and this week I'm making our (first) Christmas cakes for the year.  I say (first) not because I'm auditioning on The Great British Bake Off, but because Man Wonderful LOVES my Christmas Cake, and will usually eat 4 or 5 cakes by himself....and he's so slim!!

Have you started your Christmas cooking or prep?



  1. I'll be making our Xmas cake before long, it's my birthday this month, and I always do the cake on the following Sunday.
    I'm not going to be buying or making any Xmas goodies for the freezer for a while yet, there just isn't any room for anything. I don't know how it's happened, but both the freezer in the kitchen and the big chest freezer in the garage are full to bursting!
    We're not going to be doing a 'big shop' for the next three weeks, we'll live from the freezers for most things, and just pop into the village for fresh veg, milk etc.
    Also, I'm trying to lose some weight, so will definitely be buying fewer 'goodies' this year, we honestly don't need to fill the house with chocolate!

  2. That is a lot of cake. He is obviously a man who knows what he likes! I gave up making Christmas cakes years ago as I always managed to get them too dark on the outside and heavy on the inside. This year my husband, who started baking in lockdown, is going to give it a go. With that in mind we have picked up a couple of bags of dried fruit. Other than that, my only preparations for Christmas so far have been pickling some home-grown shallots and using plums from our tree, along with an inherited bottle of brandy, to make plum brandy. I have never tried making it before, so it is a bit of an experiment.

  3. I was going to say I hadn't thought about Christmas, but that would be a lie. I bought a nut roast from the supermarket last week thinking it could be a good festive option. Tried it this week, it was nice, but not as nice as the one I make, so I think I'll probably just make one myself as we tend to have all the ingredients anyway.


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