Friday night city

Friday nights in the FrugalMummy household have traditionally been 'date night' for moi et Man Wonderful, or at the very least the evening of the week where we have a scrummier dinner a deux than the rest of the week.
But this week I'm sick.
Not too sick.
Just..a bit virussy. 
Paracetamol and pyjamas poorly.
Settee, slippers and sore throat.
Coughing, crochet and catch-up tv on the iPad poorly.
So Man Wonderful - bless him - is living up to his well-deserved nickname and has not only done the week's shopping, but has come home with two bunches of yellow roses (xxxx seriously, how gorgeous is this chap??) and as I type is making dinner!!

I'm planning which DVD we are going to snuggle up and watch, and am beginning to write out my shopping list for the Christmas gift pennies we've been saving up all year.

Do you have a weekly tradition?


  1. I too have stupid sore throat and dry cough that won't go away. Thing the HG should be more like MW!!!


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